
The tutorial of all quests

In this section, you will learn how to complete each quest.

Quests System Overview

Users can start accepting quests and earning EXP and Nitro rewards only after joining a fleet. Personal Quest generate EXP rewards, while Fleet Quest generate Nitro rewards. EXP and Nitro are proofs of accelerated rights to LumiBit airdrops and proof of active participation by pioneers. The quests system is divided into two main parts: the personal quests system and the fleet quests system.

Personal Quest

Personal quests currently include Social Media Quests, with DeFi and more to be added in the future.

Social Media Quests

  1. Following Social Media

This quest will be automatically completed after you join or create a fleet.

  1. Discord Invite

By inviting new members to join LumiBit's Discord and helping them complete verification, you can increase progress of this quest.

  • After meeting the quest requirements, you need to manually click the "Verify" button to complete the task.

How to complete it?

  • Users need to obtain the invitation link in the Discord channel.

  • Only users who join Discord using the invitation link will be counted towards the task progress.

  • To check your invited amount, you can use the "/invites" command in the LumiBit Discord channel.

Fleet Quest

Fleet quests can only be completed after joining a fleet, tracking how many members have completed the task and then to determine if the entire fleet has completed it. Fleet quests will affect fleet levels.

Fleet Quest Rewards

By completing the fleet quest, the fleet can obtain these rewards:

  • Fleet Upgrade: Completing threshold quests is required to increase the fleet level.

  • Nitro: The reward of fleet for completing fleet quests.

Fleet Upgrade Quests

Fleet Upgrade Quests are the threshold for fleet level upgrades, determined by the number of completions within the fleet.

  • This quest can only be completed at Fleet Level 2 and is one of the necessary requirements for upgrading to Fleet Level 3.

How to complete it?

  • When your fleet reaches Level 2, ensure the total number of fleet members reaches 8.

  • This task will be automatically completed once the member count is satisfied.

Fleet Normal Quests

Fleet Quests include quests such as the member amount of social media followers and the amount of fleet staked assets. Completing these tasks can earn corresponding Nitro rewards.

  1. Fleet Social Series Quests

This quest is related to the total number of fleet members (including Captain) and has three levels: 5 members, 10 members, and 20 members.

How to complete it?

This quest will be automatically completed when the fleet's total number of members reaches the specified amount.


Each level of the Fleet Social quest can only be completed once.

Time-limited Quest

Time-limited quests include fleet and personal quests. Only fleet limited-time quests are available currently.

  • All quests have a "End at" time limit. Quests cannot be completed after this time.

Fleet Time-limited Quests

  1. Fleet Member Invitation Limited-Time Quest

This quest will begin when the fleet reaches a specific level, with a completion time limit of 7*24 hours.

  • The Level 1 quest will automatically start when the fleet is successfully created.

  • The quest cannot be completed after the time limit expires, even if the progress requirements are met.

Personal Time-limited Quests

Coming soon.

Last updated